Monday 30 November 2015

Blogger of the Week

At AS we've moved on to our study of Audiences and Institutions, so particularly well done to those who have blogged about BARB and/or OFCOM - it's all still relevant to your coursework to some extent. The winner this week is Nikita, who also posted a wonderful quality recording of her performer playing her piano music for her film opening.
At A2, the winner this week is Georgia, who has come up with a genius idea for her film trailer. I can see a short film in the making, too. Well done!

Monday 23 November 2015

Blogger of the Week

Dear Bloggers, this week's joint winners at AS are Tabitha (for catching up fully on her posts and achieving 30) and Katriona for using her Media skills across the curriculum in a French video about the Paris terrorist attack.

At A2, our blogger of the week is Emily for blogging in lots of detail about the ups and downs of greenscreening the first section of her music video. Fablogulous!

Monday 16 November 2015

Blogger of the Week

Well done this week at AS to Tabitha, who found a way around the issue of using copyrighted music by planning to create her own soundtrack by recording her own artist playing the piano piece that she has selected for her film opening.

Well done at A2 for the second week running to Chaya - lots of planning and research on her music video and ancillary tasks. Blog on!

Sunday 15 November 2015

Horror Film Documentaries

If you're including horror in your film opening at AS or your film trailer at A2, there is no shortage of documentaries about horror films to help. Check out 'Fear Itself', a montage of key moments of powerful use of sound and images cut together with an eerie voiceover by a girl whose sister has died and left her with horrific memoires:

Also it's worth looking at 'The Fear', a series showing amateur short horror films to an audience who give feedback on their scariness, the best winning £20,000 towards the director's next project:

Sound Editing Website

You can all use GarageBand to edit sound for your videos, but another handy website is:
Have a look at what you can do easily.

Monday 9 November 2015

Blogger of the Week

Not so much blogging this week at AS, due to much storyboarding. Well done to everyone for completing their storyboards, however. This week, for uploading her script and an impressive montage of dystopian films (her chosen genre), at AS our blogger of the week is CP.

At A2, for working really hard (and blogging her progress) on her research for her ancillary tasks and learning how to use Photoshop, our Blogger of the Week is Chaya. Well done and blog on!

Sunday 1 November 2015

Blogger of the Week and Blogger of October

Dear Bloggers, it's been a tough yet fascinating journey judging your half-term posts. I decided to award just one 'Blogger of the Week' for the two-week half-term holiday, and that winner at AS is Jessie, who made another novel use of digital technology with her post using Pinterest. Well done, Jessie.

Blogger of the Month goes to Lizzie, who is really showing the journey of her research and planning with detailed notes on her thinking and re-thinking of her film opening (and 36 posts to date, which brings her so close to the 40-post target you were set in September). Fabulous work - definitely a film-maker in the making.

At A2, Blogger of the Week goes to Chaya, who has created an animatic of her storyboard which really helps us imagine how her plans will be realised. Excellent practice, Chaya.

A2 Blogger of the Month goes to Georgia, who posted some photos of the location shoot she did over the weekend, plus an 'on location' video. Her blog clearly shows the progression of her work from the planning to the production stage. Well done!